17th October 2009 - Pike o'Blisco, Cold Pike, Crinkle Crags and Bowfell
Walk Details
Distance walked: 9.6 miles
Total ascent: 4116 ft
OS map used: OL6 - The English Lakes, South-western area
Time taken: 7.5 hrs
Route description: NT Stickle Barn car park-Wall End Farm-Pike o'Blisco-Red Tarn-Cold Pike-Crinkle Crags-Three Tarns-Bowfell-Three Tarns-The Band-Stool End Farm-NT Stickle Barn car park
A walk in Great Langdale in the Lake District. I parked in the NT Stickle Barn car park. From there I walked up the road past the ODG Hotel and Wall End Farm before making the ascent of Pike o'Blisco. From Pike o'Blisco I headed down to Red Tarn and then walked across the Crinkle Crags with a detour to Cold Pike, which was a Wainwright I had yet to visit. From Three Tarns I made my way to the summit of Bowfell and back and then I returned to Langdale by The Band.
Total ascent: 4116 ft
OS map used: OL6 - The English Lakes, South-western area
Time taken: 7.5 hrs
Route description: NT Stickle Barn car park-Wall End Farm-Pike o'Blisco-Red Tarn-Cold Pike-Crinkle Crags-Three Tarns-Bowfell-Three Tarns-The Band-Stool End Farm-NT Stickle Barn car park
A walk in Great Langdale in the Lake District. I parked in the NT Stickle Barn car park. From there I walked up the road past the ODG Hotel and Wall End Farm before making the ascent of Pike o'Blisco. From Pike o'Blisco I headed down to Red Tarn and then walked across the Crinkle Crags with a detour to Cold Pike, which was a Wainwright I had yet to visit. From Three Tarns I made my way to the summit of Bowfell and back and then I returned to Langdale by The Band.
Route map
Crinkle Crags & Bowfell from the roadside
Bowfell from the path up Pike o'Blisco
The Langdale Pikes
and Langdale
Crinkle Crags and Bowfell from the summit of Pike o'Blisco
The Langdale Pikes
The Langdale Pikes and the Helvellyn range in the distance
The view down to Lingmoor Fell
Red Tarn and Cold Pike
Harter Fell from Cold Pike
Windermere in the distance
Skiddaw in the distance and the Langdale Pikes
Crinkle Crags and Bowfell
The Langdale Pikes and Pike o'Blisco
Langdale from the first Crinkle of the Crinkle Crags
Pike o'Blisco with Windermere behind
The Langdale Pikes and Helvellyn range in the distance
The Scafells
On the second and highest Crinkle with the ridge leading across to Bowfell
The Helvellyn range beyond the Langdale Pikes
The Scafell range
Hardknott and Harter Fell
A great view. Great Langdale from the third Crinkle.
Pike o'Blisco
Great Langdale and Pike o'Blisco
The view around to Bowfell
On the summit of Bowfell. The view back to the Crinkle Crags with the Coniston fells behind.
Eskdale below
The Scafell range
The northwestern fells, Skiddaw and Glaramara in view
The Helvellyn range beyond the Langdale Pikes
Skiddaw, Blencathra and Langstrath
The Langdale Pikes and Great Langdale
Great Langdale from The Band as I head back down